The mouth-watering, fun and playful brushing app helps to shape your brushing habits. Create an account for each family member to make daily brushing more fun. Along the way, you will meet fun Mouthpieces who will teach you how to take proper care of your oral health. If a child opens the app during the morning and evening brushing and brushes his teeth with an instructional video or a mouthwash, he will free his teeth from the mouthpieces. When all the packages are in their home, the child will receive a gift from the dentist for the oral school.* Parent, if you make time for a visit to the childs dentist, make sure that the dentist has a gift from the Mouth School.What can be done in the Mouth School app? • Create a unique user for each family member • Learn the right brushing techniques • Keep an eye on the toothbrush calendar • Learn from Oral Health how to take proper care of your mouth • Get reminders to brush your teeth, see a dentist and replace a worn toothbrush